Quantum Simulation Explained: The Next Big Thing in Advanced Computing

QAI Ventures and the Quantum Simulation Opportunity

On a high level, quantum simulation is an emerging technology that stands as one of the most promising applications for quantum computing.

Computer simulation has long supported science and innovation by mimicking real-world phenomena. However, certain levels of physical simulation are beyond the computational reach of even the most powerful supercomputers.

But where classical computing’s capabilities stop, quantum computing could start. Using quantum computers to simulate quantum systems could allow researchers to model molecular dynamics more accurately, triggering innovation and revolutionizing the process of materials science and discovery for numerous industries. QAI Ventures is a patient capital investor and accelerator, partnering with startups and spinouts to bring the positive transformational power of quantum technologies from labs to markets and societies. This article delves into the potential of quantum simulation and the need for investment to push this potential to practicality.

Quantum Simulation Demystified

Quantum simulations can be performed using classical computing systems to simulate physical processes and quantum computers to simulate physical phenomena. These are two distinct approaches to simulation that the quantum community often and counterintuitively uses interchangeably without clarification.

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