THANK YOU for applying to join our next accelerator cohort in April 2024!

🌟 A Huge Thank You to Quantum Innovators!

As the application window closes for our second accelerator cohort, we're overwhelmed with gratitude. A heartfelt THANK YOU to all the quantum startups that applied to join us at QAI Ventures Accelerator. Your passion, innovation, and vision for the future of quantum technology are truly inspiring!

The selection process is underway, and we're excited about the potential each application holds. The task of choosing is challenging, given the high quality of all entries.

📢 Stay Tuned! 📢 Don't miss the big reveal of which startups will be joining our second cohort in April! Subscribe to our newsletter for an exclusive first look at our selected innovators. 👉 👈


Accelerating Quantum Startups Worldwide!


1st Accelerator Graduates & the Launch of QAIentangled Alumni Network